Accessories for outlets

  • On roofs with a ballast layer of gravel it is necessary to use a perforated extension chamber
  • Wide range of accessories for walkable roofs
  • Terrace attachments for drainage from the paving surface level
  • Possibility of using a odour trap inserted in the outlet
  • Electronic thermostats for control of TOPWET heated roof outlets
  • Accessories for roof outlets influence the flow rates declared at the outlet with the standard leaf guard

How can attachments be universal for various diameters of roof and terrace outlets DN 50, 70, 100 and 125?

The outlets have a neck or an integrated flange of the same construction and diameter. The outlet construction only differs below the neck. Ensuring that all the accessories are universal.

What attachment shall I use if I have screed finish which is at the level of the outlet neck?

For this type of finish, there is TW TER attachment which can be shortened according to the height of the screed and paving.

Special protecting baskets

Perforated leaf guard

perforated leaf guard

price without vat: on request
Flat walkable leaf guard

walkable leaf guard

price without vat: on request
Drainage ring

drainage ring

price without vat: on request

Terrace attachments

Terrace attachment

terrace attachment

price without vat: on request
Perforated terrace attachment

perforated terrace attachment

price without vat: on request
Extended attachment

extended attachment

price without vat: on request

Flaps and siphons

Mechanical roof flap

mechanical roof flap

price without vat: on request
Water odour trap

water odour trap

price without vat: on request

Electronic thermostats

Universal external electronic thermostat

universal external thermostat

price without vat: on request
Universal internal electronic thermostat

universal internal thermostat

price without vat: on request
Heating kit

heating kit

price without vat: on request

Heat insulating element for extension for roof outlets

Heat insulating element for extension for roof outlets

heat insulating element

price without vat: on request

Leaf guards

Leaf guard

leaf guard

price without vat: on request
Leaf guard XL

leaf guard XL

price without vat: on request

Aluminium accessories

Aluminium shaft

aluminium shaft

price without vat: on request

Stainless steel accessories

Perforated leaf guard

perforated leaf guard

price without vat: on request
Terrace attachment

terrace attachment

price without vat: on request
Partly perforated terrace attachment

partly perforated terrace attachment

price without vat: on request
Perforated terrace attachment

perforated terrace attachment

price without vat: on request

We offer a complete range of products for flat roof drainage systems, TOPSAFE fall protection systems and many other accessories.

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